Rodeo Women, and all the Women Doing the Work

woman and horse at work

Reposted with gratitude from The Native Cowgirl on Facebook. – Susan

Here’s To The Girls

The chore girls. The feedlot girls. The ranch girls. And the cowgirls.

Here’s to the doers. The hustlers. The ones getting their hands dirty. The women who worked outside all day and the ones who fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow at night. The ones with callouses on their hands.

Here’s to the women working beside men. The women who are keeping up and doing it their own way and surpassing expectations. The ones who need to be twice as strong to feel half as good.

Here’s to the ones who scroll through Instagram and notice all the pictures of beautiful women. Then they put their phones down and go back to work with no make up on, their hair a mess, and their old chore clothes on.

The ones who feel more comfortable with a branding iron in their hands than a curling iron. The ones who own more wild rags than pairs of shoes.

Here’s to the ones that aren’t often talked about. The overlooked women. The ones whose silence on social media doesn’t reflect the large lives they lead. The ones who actually stay honest with an honest day’s work. The humble ones with big hearts.

May we know them and may we be them.

Here’s to the girls.
~ Unknown

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